Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not That Dreyfus! Or that one!

A Trolling Troll Trolling
I hate extremists! Well no I don't I suppose. I am of course a Namby-Pamby, Wishy-Washy Fence-Sitter of the highest order and I try not to imagine the painful death of anyone I don't agree with but I do sometimes get to a point where certain opinions splashed out all over the screens of the Interwebs have me almost in tears at the plain injustice of the writer's opinions. I have managed to refrain from jumping in on comment threads through what I hope is enlightened ignorance but what is probably just plain fear of being torn to shreds by some dribbling fanatic and all this shows that unlike my soft and cushy working environment of mild-mannered janitors IT-type-people, the civilization that I am part of is actually populated by the most self-centered, un-self-aware, selfish, any-other-phrases-beginning-with-self-you-can-think-of, with an ability at insulting which would have Genghis Khan looking at the Human-Rights legislation for a get-out clause. I am grateful everyday that no one I know is like that or at least is able to keep those manic ideas deep within their brains. I suppose that somewhere my opinions are extreme - rationalism is a problem for some people who believe in blind faith - but I like to think that I lie somewhere near the centre of the spectrum. Does he mean us? He surely does!

Now, is there an inverse-exponential scale at the centre of opinion? Is there an ever-zooming region where human enlightenment homes in on an ideal acceptance? This would be the realm of the ultimate party of the centre. And what a non-descript place that would be, the political limbo a peaceful-yet-sad place of those not involved in politics, the point where all ideas about good and evil ping out of existence leaving the good people to lounge about with their quiet hobbies, like the Eloi in The Time Machine, ripe for being picked off by the slavering mobs of left and right, of dictators and libertarians. I'll have to develop some proper opinions won't I or I'll be thrown to the Moorlocks of extremism. Who can he be thinking about?

Comments are welcome but play nice or else.

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