Thursday, April 21, 2011

Goes Nowhere! Does Nothing!

South Riding has been completed and it was indeed more satisfying than the TV version. It avoided wrapping things up neatly in the way the Andrew Davies version did but you can't blame him what with being given three hours for something that needed a minimum of six.

Anyway what next? Aha! A wedding! (and too many exclamation marks it seems.) And that's all you're going to to get on that subject. What is far more important is the abuse of the legal system with a seeming proliferation of Super-Injunctions which, because of the Streisand Effect, can be overcome with a few clicks. I foresee the Meta-Super-Injunction which will mean that we will not even be able to mention the existence of Super-Injunctions. And then to avoid the God-over-Djinn mess that could result it will of course have to refer to itself without referring to itself so that the entire ludicrous mess will disappear up its own fundament and the legal system will vanish in a puff of illogic leaving the rest of us to get on with our meaningless lives free from the travails of z-list celebrities who have mistaken the words "Right-of-Way" for something else. ... er .... right ... got that out of my system. Time to move on.

Big news here is that my half-hour comfortably ensconced in The Jefferies Tube in the MRI department at a well-known local race-course hospital has borne fruit in that I have nothing nasty but what I do have has to come out sooner rather than later so I will soon be sporting a rather dashing Action-Man scar and what the doc described as "a dinge". I already have the gripping hands and the eagle eyes. I am still waiting for the string in my back which you have to pull to make me say cool things like "His hand accepted the moist tender gland and slid it into a sidepocket." or "cover me Stevo - I'm going to get that Blazes Boylan once and for all". Be thankful.

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Control - April 2019

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