Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Aren't You the Little Middle-Aged Goth?

Yeah - so much so that I'm considering a move to Whitby. Lovely interview this one - and although you might actually learn something from it you still don't feel you've actually found out anything you want to know. I'm certain that PJ doesn't care a jot - she just has to do interviews and if she wants to make everything up like Verbal Kint using the words on the notice board behind her interrogator then that's fine by me. In fact that's better than the truth for me. Just like the brain makes up most of what we think it "sees" than maybe it also makes up most of what it remembers. The point for all those who cannot get beyond a criticism of miserabalism is that even if the darkness it makes a lot of people happy - maybe in that mad Sylvia-Plath/Dark-clothed/And-Yes-Goth way that makes British music so much better than most - happy to live through the pain of previous generations only through music and not having to stand pointlessly in the mud of foreign trenches fighting those you have nothing against.

Anyway - enough of that. Book logs. A Dead Tree one here rather than a Kindle download - The Eye: A Natural History which is a rag-bag of stuff though loosely joined in a rather enjoyable way. And prompted by Kate Bush being allowed to use the real words of Molly Bloom I have started Ulysses again after a few preparatory exercises designed to clarify some of the structure. I am finding it noticeably easier than last time.

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