Next on BBC1 : Not Jay Hunt
Right! That's it! No more on this subject until next time.
On to more worthy things. Ionian enchantment has been achieved and I now know (sort of) how E=mc2 is derived from Minkowski Space-Time. Maybe I could not explain it back to you without sitting down and going through the whole chapter again - making notes of course and possibly using a few Excel graphs. There is however a sneaking feeling that something is not quite linking together. I realise that the derivation is proved through experiment and that the truth of the equation is the result of the brilliant deductions by Einstein and others but there is nothing to explain the mechanism of why it is true. Of course that is all probably to do with particle physics which comes later in the book and may well be explained but at the moment it seems a little too much to take for granted. Possibly I may just have to accept the truth but that is not empirical enough is it? Do I even mean empirical? Maybe I mean epistemological.
Tonight of course there is a new BBC2 series which might be a little easier to understand - The Story of Science with Michael Mosley. After his history of surgery I feel we can expect a great programme - full of fact and large-scale demonstration.