Saturday, April 24, 2010

Interview Without Coffee Sweetie

I want to stand inches away from the face of whichever Beeboid Drone decided it was a great idea to splash a multicoloured, cartoon Graham Norton over the point of maximum tension in The Time of Angels and threaten to send them back to whichever time in history would make them most uncomfortable. I already rate Over the Rainbow as possibly the worst programme ever for its sugar-sweet portrayal of the audition process and now I have even more reason to hate it. For the first time in my life I have broken my policy of enlightened ignorance and actually complained to the BBC as part of what I hope is the beginning of the end for DOGs on the state broadcaster. I am not a hard-core Whovian but I imagine that they are the last group of people you want to annoy. Graham Norton seems to be becoming the Nemesis of Doctor Who after his voice spoiled the broadcast of the first episode of the revived series.

Anyway, love this cartoon of River Song.

I suppose I should mention the episode itself. Terrifying! In this article, Steven Moffat says that these Weeping Angel episodes are Aliens to the original Sally Sparrow episode's Alien. Remember - whatever shows the image of a Weeping Angel becomes a Weeping Angel. Sleep well!

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