Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rage Against Cubase/Pro-Tools/Voice Correction etc.

I am sick at admitting this but I quite like The Climb, the new X-Factor single but only the version by Mylie Cyrus. Joe's version is little more than Karaoke and all this means that I have a leaning towards buying Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine, from off that album with the self-immolating monk on the cover. For some reason RATM passed me by, probably because despite liking a lot of left-field stuff, they were just too heavy and WASPY for me. There is not much meat to the song either - it is just Rage and lots of it, rage which I like to think I still possess in a sort of moderated way, with control rods and intelligent targeting. I would give anything to see Simon Cowell's grip on pop in this country lessened together with its resultant blandification of modern music. As Cowell himself says, having a Christmas Number One is not going to make much difference to his life. However, for him to call the campaign for RATM to be Number One "cynical" is just quite funny. In the words of Liberace .... ho hum.

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Control - April 2019

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