Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Melancholic Choleric

The Manics album is just too good - there is more emotion and meaning in all those meaningless words than any angsty issues band - I hope you know who I mean here. Singing about not wanting to be "like other people are" is rather like claiming that you are mad or eccentric; your own mental status is not for you to determine is it? Anyway, it seems like poems set to music rather than proper defined songs which in this case is exactly right.

In the spirit of such strangeness I dreamt of myself last night, with my hair rapidly turning bright white and wiry and with a straggly beard, not exactly growing old but beginning to look much more like my dad. I have always wondered why we accept such strangeness in dreams. All these things which reflect exactly how the real word is not do not make us flinch - we can be perfectly happy in the midst of events which would have us needing months of therapy should they ever happen to us in real life. I suppose certain theories on dreams would suggest that this is purely to help us examine our minor fears using obvious triggers. Dreaming of a worry about a few grey hairs wouldn't make us remember it in our waking life but a rapid ageing process gives us a jolt which carries over into consciousness.

It is sad to see that Colin Bean, who played Private Sponge in Dad's Army, has died. Boiled sweet to anyone who correctly lists all the members of the cast who are still alive.

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