Tuesday, February 03, 2009

May Contain Groundhogs

I didn't realise that yesterday was Groundhog Day so any mention of Groundhogs was purely coinceidental, rather than down to any sensitivity to bizarre North-Eastern-North-American holiday customs. Chances 1 in 365 - not particularly difficult to achieve.

Windows Media Player has just jumped from the end of The Four Seasons to Acrid Avid Jam Shred by The Aphex Twin. This was quite disconcerting but also exciting in an oblique-strategy-type way. I have just managed at last to write an add-in for Windows Live Messenger which can respond automatically to messages sent to me. At the moment is doesn't actually reply in any intelligent way - it just sends back a random Oblique Strategy but at least it's a start. Full Turing-passing app coming soon.

I'm not sure if you noticed the link to an mp3 file a few posts back. It is an attempt at simulating a peal of eight bells using vb. As there is no proper Church Bell sound in the VB list and no sample that would work across the range, I ended up working with detuning 5 channels of other instruments playing against themselves. After a bit of playing it turned out that the standard Piano sound sufficed. I need some objective response about how close to the real thing this sounds. Everyone who has heard it so far is a philistine and a wet and a weed with no real appreciation for the nuances of resonance and timing.

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Control - April 2019

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