A Better, Fitter, Twitter Fritter

(Not the new album but a great picture isn't it?)

I was going to enthuse about it only being a month until the new PJ Harvey/John Parrish album is released but those days are long gone. I used to dash into town after work on a Monday evening to shell out much money on limited edition formats of 4AD stuff quite often. Several times I bought beautiful vinyl editions as well as the CDs so that the black and groovy stuff could remain untouched in its cellophane. They still remain unplayed and unseen somewhere in the garage in boxes hopefully high enough to keep them out of reach of the also-unseen mouse that lives there, though the little bugger has been able to climb up to the bird table so I dread finding some shredded cardboard and plastic when I eventually get to the uncharted reaches of the dark beyond. Should I admit that I'll probably get the new U2 album as well? Well you know now.

And now for the really important debate of the day - does poetry need a Poet Laureate? Obviously I like the idea of one of the poets I like getting the nod for this position but my joy would be tempered by the almost-certain tragedy that the new laureate would suddenly start writing drivel. Oh no! I've just realised it might be Stephen Fry - he'd twitter epic dirges in gobbets of 140 characters trying desperately to create sonnets with the relevance of 18th century courtiers on laudanum. I'm beginning to wonder if Fry's delight in this inane burbling is his attempt to undo his reputation? Maybe it's a punishment for being smug, like telepathy was for the Belcerebon people.

The BBC have destroyed one of my favourite jokes. There is a wonderful-yet-gentle insult in a Simpsons episode where they received a letter from Australia. The stamp commemorated "50 years of electricity". Driving home yesterday I listened to an episode of America - Empire of Liberty which described FDR's first term as president including a wonderful new scheme to spread electricity to the 9-out-of-ten farms that did not yet have mains connections in the mid 30s. So not much ahead of Australia then. I wonder what we can expect from this New deal?

Which reminds me that "Obama" is the reverse Amabo - the future active of the Latin Verb - to love. And guess what - Gail Trimble - she of the hair-flick and fast-finger on University Challenge, did not get that when asked on Monday and she a Latin scholar - must have been sweat on the buzzer button. Corpus Christi won which was sort of what I was wanting at the start because of all the irrational hatred of Trimble, but Manchester seemed so honest and self-deprecating, that I was quite disappointed when they lost. I'm just jealous I suppose. Daughter still has time to make it and she does have form having got a starter and three bonuses right once when she was 4. They were ballet positions but that's not the point is it?


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