Monday, April 21, 2008

A real Mencken manque

Nowhere did today say it was going to be like this. But no day announces itself with any level of accuracy. Indeed there is no proof that a day will begin at all. I suppose that the split second of the start and that of the corresponding end will always occur even if the machinery of the solar system -the mechanism that determines what a day actually is - simply vanishes in a bizarre accident involving some undiscovered (and remaining undiscovered) sub-atomic particle (perhaps the charmed schmo or a top dork).

Actually nothing happened out of the ordinary today - I wasn't thinking that it would and of course there is still a good portion of today remaining in which something strange might happen. Somewhere in the world someone dreamed of something - probably quite ordinary - and then it happened in real life but that was only strange within its context - when compared with the billions and trillions of events around the world, there must be billions and trillions of these incidents. In fact there must be billions and trillions of these incidents that never manage to bubble to the surface and gain entry into any one's consciousness. They probably keep bubbling up like matter-anti-matter particle pairs, annihilating each other most of the time, occasionally one making its way into someones head and becoming real. My neighbour at this desk is probably related to me within six generations and yet neither of us have any definite knowledge of the fact. Shall we see what happens in the rest of the day? It must be pretty big to get past my boredom threshold. See you in tomorrow (which is an Adverb by the way).

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