Anastomosis For The Masses
I seem to be lost in someone else's idea of simplicity which to me looks like so many deferents and epicycles - I am looking for some comments from Mr P. Tolemy but as usual he has forgotten to put any in. Why did so many people persist in adding complexity on complexity just to make their system fit the observed model (and of course the view of the Church that only the Earth could be at the centre of everything)? All this just when Friar Occam had provided them with an instruction against doing just that. It is all very well for me to be so self-righteous when I have committed many sins of over-complication in my professional life. It is good to have the complication in the early stages while making sure that the hours of discussion lead to a simple and elegant solution.
This morning's drive was under a very oppressive bit of Nimbostratus which coughed up the odd bit of soggy snow between the rain. I have realised that what I really like about the rain is the nice grey cloud that it comes from; it's a bit like hiding under the blankets and forgetting about the rest of the world. Or maybe the white noise masks all the noise that clogs up the brain of the average westerner these days. Human beings are of course trying their best to jam up civilization by making it more complex with a view to ironing out not only all the negative things that happen (which we address with Health and Safety etc) but to fit everyone into easily-manageable categories. Mental illness is just a rebellion against this. We have our TV and our empty social rituals to try and make us accept all this. I'm not saying that there is any concerted effort to do this - I don't think that any controlling organisation is clever enough to do this, being snarled up Brazil-like by their own internal procedures which are just as ludicrous as the structures they impose on the rest of us; it just falls out that way. I would like to say turn off the telly and go and read a good book but that way you are still subject to someone else's views and pernicious instructions in following their way of thinking. Even going off and trying to do something creative on your own account is fraught with having been influenced by something you have already seen. All is full of cliche and things already done - everything has been done at least once already. Nothing you or I can do will ever be entirely original. Any omnipotent being will quickly get bored with the noise of our repetitions. The good thing for us is that we can experience something new every day because there is so much to see and do. The world is full of good and interesting things. Of course it is also full of bad and dull things - and bad and interesting things - and good and dull things.
Currently my head feels full of syrup. Or maybe it is treacle.
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