Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pitch Perfect I Think

My journey to work is by public transport at the moment and I thought you might like to know that my recent return of calmness was somewhat assaulted by the loud argument between some aged lout and the bus driver. I’m not sure what the problem was but the idiot ended up challenging the driver to a fight. Luckily potential pugilism was avoided, largely by the driver ignoring the man, though he still let him on board. I suppose this could only be expected being that the stop was just outside a shop called “Not Drunk Enough?”. This is on what must be one of the main routes into Liverpool and therefore probably the first thoroughfare that many people will see when they visit us for The Capital Of Culture events next year. You may remember I defended Liverpool against the detractors when it was announced that it had won COC but the headlong rush into architectural vandalism that has resulted has made me think again. The main roads into the city are still lined with defunct shops and boarded-up houses and the numbers seem to have increased since the first trip I made here in 1982 when the after-affects of the Toxteth riots were still evident.

Anyway, the point of this post was not to abuse the city but to indicate the return of my depression though I seem to be simply unhappy at the moment and I am much happier being just unhappy. No letters please. Well the sun is shining and I’m not involved in the crash that occurred on the route I used to travel to work at about the time I would have been there so if I just have to wince at some bad language, I suppose I’m not too bothered.

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Control - April 2019

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