Wednesday, March 22, 2006

That’s a Load of Hyperbolics

“Just put your feet down child, ‘cos you’re all grown up now.”

I am lost in Frames at the moment. I hate HTML frames and I apologise if you like them. Dot net knows nothing of frames and using them seems perverse. I have no option unfortunately.

I had a brainstorm this morning which for a moment convinced me that I could build my own rudimentary computer from egg boxes and the bits that Maplin throw out. When I had calmed down, I remembered the first computer I ever built. It was at school when we were taught how to use index cards with holes and slots as some sort of collation device. They were suspended inside a cornflake packet by knitting needles, each of which corresponded to a specific hole on the cards. Cards with slots conformed to the data that the corresponding hole described so they would let those cards fall when a trapdoor beneath them was opened. I extended this so that it could be used as a calculator to multiply 2 numbers (unless it was a square when ten cards would fall). I was really proud of that. I seem to have gone from then when everything was understandable to now when I know that even the most complex programming I do simply skims the surface of a collection of many technologies. As I said yesterday, I would love to be able to trace back from the high-level language statements I write every day, all the way down to the bits and bytes at the lowest levels. Let’s face it – there isn’t much to what happens - it’s just that there is a lot of it. Sorry! I said that yesterday as well.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Frames, as my youngest would say, are evil. But then you knew that. If only I could persuade the guy that runs our local table tennis results website to drop them, I'd sleep easier.

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