Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Are You Extracting The Extract?

This is just wrong!

They want to muck about with everything these days.

And why do we need to replace Trident? It’s not as if we’ve ever used it. Or even Polaris for that matter. Oh! I see! That’s the point.

I was depressed by Fantabulosa! yesterday. I have read Kenneth Williams’ diaries and while they do contain some dark stuff, they were not as bleak as this excuse for some terrible sixties décor. This made me think about public and private views of famous people. Sylvia Plath’s mother was so upset by the stuff in her daughter’s writing that she released a whole book of mostly chatty letters between them specifically to dispel the darker view. Maybe not that chatty. Fantabulosa was certainly depressing to anyone without knowledge of the ending. I was in my ‘American Psycho’ mode – just watching to make sure the end was what I knew it should be – and I was continually thinking “What’s the bloody point?” It was a relief to get that over and done with. A waste of an evening, though the impression of Williams by Michael Sheen was spot on.

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