Thursday, December 09, 2004

Pis-Pronounced Worms

Apparently I have been mis-pronouncing the word 'rural' for years. Someone commented on my yokel version, which for ages I have thought was the received pronunciation of the word. The dictionary says (if you excuse what I may be mistakenly thinking is a pathetic fallacy) it should be 'roar - rall' rather than my 'roor - rall'. My wife tells me that she avoids the word 'Almond' because I always correct her audible 'l' and say 'AaahMond' though I have to say that all versions seem to be allowed. 'Says' rather than 'ses' also annoys me but that too is also allowed. You might ask why I moved to Liverpool but that would be dangerous and wrong of you.

Anyway, the reason I had to mis-pronounce 'rural' was that we were talking about strange subjects at school. We had to do rural science, which involved Bee-Keeping, knowledge of stock and crop rotation in its modern form (rather than in history). Our rural science teacher was an ex-farmer and was a stickler for neatness; no crossings-out were allowed other than with a simple double ruled line. He used to provide us with animal versions of those paper dolls that you have to dress. The outline of the animal on one page was accompanied by a set of cutout internal organs that had to be stuck on in the correct place. Nice! It may sound snobby but this was obviously because the local authority thought that so many of the kids at our school (Location Here) only had the option of working on farms. I'm not sure how many actually ended up doing that but from Friends Reunited it seems like it wasn't many.

Don't tell me about the spelling mistakes. This keyboard is bouncing like a trampoline champion.

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