Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Taxonomy and Taxidermy Taxation

Listening to - One Step Beyond - a Ska Collection

Now I know that the root of pupil as in scholar and pupil as in eye is the same as it was once thought that one could see a small girl in the reflection in the eye but do all those Tax words have the same root? Anyone who does not care about this can go and get stuffed or classified. The answer appears to be that they are all related but I cannot be sure.

Apologies for the missing days. I was writing poetry again. My wife read yesterday's poem and said that I was becoming like a real poet in that I was able to take the minutiae of daily life and create a verse from it. Of course rather than making me happy at the compliment, this just made me ask why all the old poems were not those of 'a real poet'. She likened this paranoia to that in a woman who when told that her hair looks great today, responds with 'what was wrong with my hair yesterday?'

Yesterday's poem was about the common cold.

Artist of the day is Peter de Hooch. These pictures have a fresh, light quality about them, which is not present in Vermeer's paintings. I like Vermeer because of his photo-realistic views of the world around him but there is always this oppressive light which makes me think of the old instructional and pious views of sunlight through cloud which I always associate with Sunday evenings.

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