Monday, February 09, 2004

Invective Perfected

In a quiet place, the non-humans come and go, silent things to stay hidden from us. They are always there, waiting for us to go but often they wait for years for an empty space.

I know there are no easy solutions but this makes me feel so bad. Political ambitions (though how wanting a nuclear weapon can really be classified as being political is beyond me) seem to be ultimately, consciously or subconsciously, about nest-feathering and have no real thought for the people they 'represent'. Yes! I am being naive and I know that the BBC have specifically put a picture of three angelic though rake-thin children at the head of their article but surely the provision of food and other basic staples of life should be the most important thing. The inertia in the world is disgusting. So you are all going to shout at me and ask what exactly I am doing. The answer, apart from ranting about it, is nothing. But the point being that the people who have the capability and the responsibility for doing something are also doing next-to-nothing.

Now the Fortean Times may do one of their Myth-Chasers about this but I have always been led to believe that the world has more than enough food to provide for everyone. It is just that the west is reluctant to part with its surplus either because it is difficult to transport that much food without costing a fortune or, more likely that, deep down, the western governments have a vested interest in stopping the rest of the world becoming too productive and taking over markets which have traditionally been served by the first world. Of course we need the third world so big business can get its supply of cheap labour - see here for Oxfam's take on this. If the Wal-mart and Teco so have ethical trading policies as they claim, then I would like to see them employing or, better still, funding someone to check-up on the supposed breaches.

Ranty Bob, who never gets up and does anything, just writes about it all. I feel so guilty that my lifestyle is funded by my inaction and reliance on the very facts about which I complain so loudly. And yet my family and I live our live quite simply compared to the majority of people. We only have one car, though technically we should have none as my commute is well-served with public transport.

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