Lazy Days (complete this line to your own satisfaction)
Don't like it here any more. I want to go away and laze. There is no future for all this. We will end in a mess of despair and never achieve anything. Listen to some Dub reggae and lie on the Beach. Wait for the Black Star Line and live for ever.
At last I have found a CD which real-player does not recognise. The Roots of Dub Vol 1 - a tribute to the works of Marcus Garvey. Unfortunately the only website which does mention it credits it to Gravey which seems like an enourmous snub to someone who should deserve more respect. (pause while I check my own atrocious spelling). Although the CD seems to suggest that it is true to the roots of dub-reggae, it could all be a modern techno scam, which is more of a snub than spelling the man's name wrong. It does sound as though it uses just the traditional dub techniques rather than the dub #1 setting on some japanese Multi-Timbral Sound module. Very cool unless of course it isn't.
There has been no poetry here for ages (unless you count that attempt at pathetic fallacy which turned out to be just pathetic without being fallacious at all). I keep ideas bubbling under all the time but never sit down with a nice clean fountain pen to record the ideas. Blank look from author as all ideas for this entry fly into the distance silently pursued by the moths of indecision and the Daleks of inevitability. Samantha tells me that the score is 17 to nothing and that I have lost all credibility in this contest.
I am a Camera. There I have said it. This Reggae seems to fit very well with reading about George Orwell.
I am so glad that this book was called "The day OUR world changed"; for it to have been "The day THE world changed" would have been an insult. What about the tragedies on a far greater scale? If it happens vertically in a city under the glare of TV cameras it is a world changing event but if it happens horizontally across rural Africa then it is everyday life. We spend so much trying to stop people carrying out these atrocities with no absolute guarantee of success and yet with a few thousand Dollars we can stop as many people (A day and every day) from dying. Interesting to note Private Eye's observation that many thousands of pounds were spent removing Clare Short's name from Government reports. Would it not have been cheaper to have printed a few thousand errata slips and note her departure rather than re-edit/print etc? I know it is never as simple as save the money here - spend it here. That is like the old argument about not eating your greens as a kid when your parents say how terrible it is when there are people starving. So you reply "so send my greens to them". It is also like my argument about a sea-change in the way energy is produced. It is not a simple thing but then again with so many things within the ability of mankind, a new worldwide energy poilicy is not impossible or even in the realms of the most difficult things we could do. International Devlopment seems to be a fig-leaf for our foreign policy so we can say we are sending a few-thousand pounds out to an Earthquake zone rather than setting up an infrastructure to support people long term.
What happend to all those essays of light and time travel and the existence of God. The real world seems to be forcing its way through the door and pushing everything else aside. More on something else tomorrow. Maybe Quantum theory or The philosophical implications of The Matrix.
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