I finally finished another scrap-book this weekend. I am trying to persuade my daughter to think up a theme for the next one. This one was "Nothing - A Special Report" from a special issue of New Scientist.
Reading the New Scientist Web Site I have found this article about Beagle 2 which has just sent a strange message back to Earth from one of the Instruments. They need to be sure of what this means before they carry on and boot the rest of the spacecraft up but the makers in Germany are on holiday so things are being delayed. I wonder what the message is? "I can see the pub from here." doesn't seem likely. For a full rundown on this mission go here. Oh well! More later.
I finally finished another scrap-book this weekend. I am trying to persuade my daughter to think up a theme for the next one. This one was "Nothing - A Special Report" from a special issue of New Scientist.
Reading the New Scientist Web Site I have found this article about Beagle 2 which has just sent a strange message back to Earth from one of the Instruments. They need to be sure of what this means before they carry on and boot the rest of the spacecraft up but the makers in Germany are on holiday so things are being delayed. I wonder what the message is? "I can see the pub from here." doesn't seem likely. For a full rundown on this mission go here. Oh well! More later.