Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Twin Tub with Guitar

The title above is linked to a wonderful site. I saw Twin Tub with Guitar and various other of Bill Woodrow's sculptures at the Tate a few years ago but I never imagined he had made so many as his website shows. This is interesting modern art. I was asying to someone who has just seen a Tracy Emin show, that a lot of modern art is worth visiting even if you don't like it (or actively hate it) simply because it is so interesting. There is no line between artists who are in it for money and those whose motivation is more er... artistic. You sometimes wonder if some artists just try to think of the most obscure and stupid thing to exhibit for the sake of taking the mickey or whether they really believe they are doing something worthwhile. Bill Woodrow's stuff is actual sculpture with talent and artistry but what about crumpled up pieces of paper stuck to a wall? or the lights going on and off in an empty room? You can see why Modeo man thinks modern art is rubbish (Not Modern Life is rubbish - that is all just a Blur to me), but then mondeo man likes things which need talent. (I am only being half ironic there).

More Modern Art here - the nominations for the 2003 Beck's Futures Award. The stuff which catches my eye (and is also easy to get to because it is specifically a web-project) is Nick Crowe's. I especially like the spoof site for the Tate Gallery, a sort of self-reference, though I warn you that the accompanying music is as cheesy as Tesco's Dairy Aisle. The 10 Point Plan for a Better Helsinki is also rather good but you will need Acrobat Reader. A website without words, just shapes and colours. Maybe Tonight. Just Maybe.

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