The Plague Dogs

There is no more to say on this. A deep book like no other and with these men at the end. Heroes for everybody.



I have just found out from reading this article about Animal Research that Berke Breathed's comic strips in Bloom County which satirised the whole animal/testing/rights thing, were instrumental in getting the Mary Kay Company to stop their own testing regime. You can find the relevant strips in The Night of the Mary Kay Commandos laugh and think about it.

Don't laugh at this one. Yet another thing to Boycott. My blood is making those movements that water does in the bottom of the kettle when you first switch it on. How can a company (and forty others by the sound of it) ask for money from a creaking and famine ridden country? They could probably recoup $6 million by not using as many paper clips (I know that is over the top but you know what I mean so don't quote this out of context). No more Milky Bars for me!


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