Remember the Flying Wallenders?

I have google bashed - I think. As far as I know, this entails finding two terms which return one and only one result in Google. Maybe names don't count but 'wallenders tightrope' gives just one answer. Anyway, none of this has anything to do with tightrope walking in anything other than a peripheral way. The platitude "Casting Aspersions" was used this afternoon but was misheard by someone as 'Casting Cistercians' which has opened up a whole raft of strange mental images. As the Cistercians are a silent order, they would obviously not be allowed to scream when being 'cast'. This in turn led me to an image of a troupe of performing monks which would certainly be seen as Evangelical in a way that the most outgoing empathetic could never hope to match. I suppose flying monks would actually have a lot more in common with the levitations of certain more Eastern religions. It begs a drawing. A search on google comes up with this picture which can only be described as Flying Monks and worse still this story about a real airborne Friar (Very Fortean)

I am alone in the Office again. Friday Evening help desk has caught me until 18:00. But there is a weekend looming with all that you can think about for me to do. Actually I only have half an hour left which is pleasant surprise and only two calls so far.

See you after the weekend.

(Posted after the weekend because Blogger was down for repairs)


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