Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Ennui is really boring

We are all a little bored with today. There is no motivation other than negative stuff put about by people who really don't understand managing people. The only question left to ask today is which one of us is going to be Dilbert. The Office is far too close to the truth. (For the official BBC site click here.) We may not see as much of the silly stuff in one day but all of it has happened here over the years. There are many managers here who completely mis-judge the level at which they should pitch their 'humour' (That is what they would call it). I am not saying that some of these very same managers cannot tell a very funny joke and the smutty stuff is all very well in single gender company at the pub but to use it for bonding in the open office makes me cringe. It is only now that I see half-an-hour of continuous cringe-making (I have to put the cushions over my head sometimes) that I realise how bad and how real it actually is. The only problem is that just commenting on the office you become part of it and lost in an ocean of self-reference. Just watching it and understanding is to see yourself in it. I am sure I have behaved like at least one of the characters (Though hopefully not Mr Brent). I am going to write a song called the 'Self reference Song' which is about writing a song about writing a song. It will start with the words "This is not a song" (Though there is of course this song already). It is not Rene Magritte's birthday today. Wouldn't it have been good if it was?

By the way I have had a habit for years of balancing a cushion on my head while watching TV. No-one seems to recall this but I know I do it. Maybe I just dream I do it. Luckily I have managed to stop doing it so that my daughter doesn't pick up the habit. All this sounds like an allegory for something far more unsavoury but I can tell you that it is not and you should take it at face value. All that sounds so ridiculous that you may think it was the result of some obscure Oblique Strategy but it isn't.

Where are the cushions?

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