Friday, July 12, 2002


(From I love the self-reference of putting in the address and then using itself as the link.)

I found a file which just contained this phrase repeated over and over. I wonder if the robots have been trying to get in contact.

Have you seen that scientists have just manufactured a copy of the Polio virus using instructions from the internet and bio-chemical material available by mail order? What is the point of spending Billions of Euros (Pounds, Yen etc) on wiping out a disease and then making artificial copies of it? I know it is supposed to show that it can be done and what I am about to say will sound simplistic (Occam's Razor applied to actions rather than solutions) but isn't it dangerous? Most complexity in the world is introduced to cover up the fact that life is basically quite simple to sustain. It is an abomination that the world spends so much effort, time and money on setting up inelegant and complex systems to do damn all of real relevance to the world when there are people who starve or freeze or go uneducated so that they believe that their lot in the world is one of deprivation. Ludicrous. 'Show me a bottle of gene sequences and I will infect the world'. I would give apologies to Archimedes but I don't think he's really bothered. What he actually said (as I am sure you know but I have to cater for Managers as well.) is 'Give me a lever and I will move the world'. Jacob Bronowski said that the ancient farmers who used ploughs could have said 'Give me a lever and I will feed the world'. Today we say 'Give me a noun (lever) and I will turn it into a verb (to leverage) when we already have a perfectly acceptable verb already and it is .. er ... to lever'. Junk! Junk! Junk Bond! Fukuyama is wrong. There will be no end of history. Just an increase in ludicrous behaviour while man comes to terms with not having to attend to the important stuff. Ronco Olive Pitters anyone (Ask yourself who needs an Olive Pitter if you want to know what that means).

If we have created artificial viruses, it can't belong before we make artifical business managers as well. After all Polio is something nasty which has a paralysing effect so there is not much difference. Vitriol at lunchtime. I was never this horrible at school.

On a wet Monday morning, just as the mass of bedraggled undergraduates dragged themselves through the delapidated doors to the main faculty building, an almost undecipherable message came over the aged tannoy system.

"Will Kathy Bramble of the Pussycats please go to the main reception desk."

So are legends made.

I don't know what I was thinking writing that but it is an image which recurs in my head.

I read somewhere that the official Portishead Website is quite good but as I have not yet been, this line may be deleted before I post this.

Another week survived.

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