Thursday, July 04, 2002

Planned Obsolescence or ... Security by Obscurity

This page is just the tip of what there is. I have so much behind me that I just cannot write about. The back is off the machine but you only see the top layer of the workings inside. You may be able to guess the power source (Twinkies and Iced tea); you may be able to determine various other characteristics which I have not explicitly mentioned but you will never be able to re-construct the motor from what is put down here. I start with the memory of running around a large field with lots of very green grass, on the edge of a cliff (Wow! Like 'The Catcher in the Rye' - that was unintentional). I was three. Now there is a visit somewhere in South Wales to a family with lots of daughters who fussed over me and my brother. They gave us goose eggs and my brother ate them despite not liking eggs at all. I was five. I remember the vaccinations, the sugar lump for polio, in a large room. I still have the medical card with the various injections listed on it. I remember sitting on a tree stump we had in the garden of our house and the two girls next door called 'Manda and Angela (mandaranangela). The facing on one wall of our house fell down and killed the tortoise. Our dog, a big Alsation called Cleo, used to eat Bees. I stood on a bee once and it did the obvious. I went to a school where the classrooms were on stilts and a playgroup run by a Mrs Depechetoir (Spelling?). I was not allowed poetry books or fairy tales by my mother though my Grandmother rebelled and bought us loads of old books (I think they used to belong to my mother but they were still the 'correct' things to read. I dreamt about My Grandmother's copy of 'The Just so Stories' ( not this version) the other day. It was original but she gave me a facsimile copy that looked the same but for the age.

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Control - April 2019

‘It had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive all along your nerves.’ I. The Dispos...