Some Flowers and a Bee Yesterday |
Is it obvious that I've just discovered aperture priority? Anyway, what goes on around here? Well after years of dismissing Twitter as the ultimate curse like
Telepathy, for some reason I decided to start Tweeting to the account I set up some time ago. Of course, I am like most Twitterers in that I have nothing to say at all and so it remains a high-tech method of shining a torch at the stars. However, it was worth it for
Little/Big Howard's Fun Fringe Facts especially the assertion that The Monkey House at Edinburgh Zoo wrote the Complete Works of Shakespeare. And if you are one of my three followers so far then you will know that this week I have been delving into such wonderful geek-stuff as BIOS and Registry settings. All of this was topped off with interrogating the pins on a parallel port attached to the back of a server in another country. All very ZX81 I thought. Isn't life exciting?