Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To The Gills

Even with the Kindle I'm still left with a huge pile of books by the side of the bed. I know I really need to do something about. And now the logical-yet-ephemeral collection inside the Graphite Slabette is growing at a rate fare higher than the normal acquisition of reading matter. I like the idea of having all sorts of reference matter on hand.

Anyway, this entry is by way of bring up-to-date the reading log.

Polished off on Christmas Day between various gift and food frenzies was the now-traditional QI Annual - this year H for Heroes (and some villains). Next came Bill Bryson's At Home which was not the encyclopedia of Household Gadgets which I had imagined but a book about whatever the author wanted to talk about that he hadn't already covered in other books, triggered by loose association with the rooms in his own house. Interesting and moreish it was. After that comes the also-now-traditional Schott's Almanac 2011, still unfinished but being consumed in an unnaturally linear way for what is really a dip-in volume. Now we are back to Quite Interesting Limited with The Second Book of General Ignorance which of whistled by like one of Douglas Adams' beloved deadlines. It's not all purchased literature - from the library is Carl Sagan's Demon-Haunted World which while interesting leaned into spittle-flecked sophistry at times (I don't believe I just dissed Carl Sagan). Now into The Human Voice by Anne Karpf.

Just found the 1000 Journals website which is packed with superior versions of my own scrapbook.

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