Tuesday, July 07, 2009

In Two Minds

What more gain is there from this,
the bile of generations poured out,
through the grey-green haze of putsch,
and other revolutions?

An engineer's love of distance,
calms my escalations, all my fears,
of panic; children going hungry
as we sell this land to enemies.

You'd break on knowing everything,
the things we shadows hide from you,
playing keeper of your strange ataxias,
your tics and false obsessions.

You fly over every occupying force,
with one immobile point of view,
the tormenter’s eye for justice,
honed from your bloody playgrounds;

Here’s you at break with terror weapons,
Standing, dominating the tired masses,
legs apart for stability in recoil,
as you pray and take them down.

The gun’s robust reply is no solution,
To the complexities of madness,
The money, the indulgences, the power
Of nightmares rolling on and on.

What goes around repeats like automatics,
Bounces off the rocks, returns like doves,
With claws, to strip your skin and burn,
at the knowledge of a job complete.

Ten years after, they might find you,
A stain of almost nothing in this sun,
Long since dried and powdered,
Your philosophy diffused and scattered,

Mingling with the minds of bombers,
Just so much dust and so much error,
Harmless in our air conditioning,
Toothless in the water cycle.

We are in the hot, white rocks of heaven,
Powering through the universe as gods,
The first to reach, to make the stars,
With all knowledge, with all history but you.

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Control - April 2019

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