Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Yet More Sheep

Daughter was away with the school, canoeing, rafting and general outdoorsy type stuff. And while she was away having fun we were at home discovering exactly how much difference one child makes to the general dynamics of a home. Youngest was quieter as well proving the equation that the product of two children is different from the sum.

To add to this general air of melancholy was the fact that China Crisis quietly moved their appearance at the local village festival to Saturday without anyone actually finding out until after they had been and gone. My wife was most upset and is considering a stiff letter to be despatched to Crisis Central - somewhere in the middle of the Gobi Desert I believe it is.

So just exactly what do we do about the MPs and their expenses? Maybe we should exchange the process by which parliamentary expenses are dished out with the one which supplies the army with essential equipment like boots and stuff. Seems that both are in need of a shake up.

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