Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Non Tali Auxilio

Has The Earth stopped turning? It is so dark here despite us being after the solstice. Lights went out again before anyone else arrived but the screen gives me just enough light to keep typing. I was struggling to get motivated this morning but as usual the gloom lifts with the sun and it's just the normal boring slog. It is not helped by the vacuous, verbal fencing that I overheard at the coffee machine this morning. It consisted of what seemed to be a contest to come up with the most inane comment while obviously not listening to the riposte. I suppose my own conversations must seem as empty to some people so maybe I should just take it on board that boring existence is just that.

What have we got from the notebook?

The oily smell of instant coffee on my hands - his hands? A dog in the house of Capulet. Nick Cave is Philip Larkin. "I do not believe in an interventionist God." Defaulting to not splitting an infinitive.

It's a pseudo-poem if nothing else. We also have an article about Three Women by Sylvia Plath which I skip over in the Collected Poems but sounds as though it might be quite special when performed. However, reading the first few lines now I am struck by ...

The moon's concern is more personal:
She passes and repasses, luminous as a nurse.

So obviously Plath but I don't remember it. All this reminds me that I finished the Bill Bryson Shakespeare book which has made me want to read the sonnets which I will have to dig out from somewhere - they are on the web I am sure.

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