A Polaroid A Day - Until They Run Out Of Film
Listening to My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
That is all. Oh well maybe not all. My notebook has something about the subconscious analysis of social situations to return the correct response - one which does not make people think you are odd. I have wondered whether the social discomfort that Apsergers produces is simply down to some people not being bothered to learn the complex analysis of social situations which is required to steer through day-to-day encounters. I have always felt that I have had to learn the correct responses and that I did this long after most of my peers but I do recognise that I am able to fire the correct response back these days without ever having to think about it. So I would not consider myself to be afflicted. All interaction and thought is complex when compared with the simple equations of physics - even a simple neural network will probably descend into chaotic behaviour while a stone falling will accelerate until it reaches terminal velocity which can be calculated with a few pushes of buttons. It amazes me that more people don't give up on trying to decipher various social situations - sometimes it is so tedious to just play tennis with some idea for the sake of social cohesion. Of course, if you have the right social circle, then the same game can be richly rewarding, taking up hours in what seems like minutes. [Sentence removed due to excessive pomposity]. But maybe this is just because I know a few fellow geeks. I must get one of those things to stop me getting ink all over my top pocket.
How about March being a daily-blog-entry month? I haven't done that for ages. maybe I should extend it and make it a picture-a-day as well. I was thinking of random things at strange angles - processed maybe. We shall see.
Verbatim from the notebook (after watching Control) :-
I know the reason (well some of it) for liking Black and White. It is more real - closer to our perception of what the rest of the world is really like. Maybe the concept of black and white has changed our perceptions of the world. I can still remember when the Nottingham studio of Midlands Today went from B&W to colour.
In the preface to The Golden Notebook the author asks how can a finished novel be true when what they experience in the real world is so rough and formless. How can this be applied positively?
I am sure that the bit about the novel should really have a bit of expansion to have it make sense but I was away from a desk at the time and it was actually painful to write. After that section there is v.poor drawing of a toy oil-drum made of yellow plastic and stencilled with the words :-
Not Sure why.