The Barefoot Doctor Who
Listening to Uh Huh Her by PJ Harvey
I am obviously not able to wait for White Chalk and will be using my new-found confidence to develop a time machine. Of course it will only be used for retrieving future releases of music and DVD. One of the first sci-fi stories I read was an Asimov tale about the development of a time machine which suggested that people would not use such a device for the big stuff but rather for petty point-scoring, checking up on spouses alibis and that sort of thing. Sad but true. talk of Time Travel reminds me that we eventually got around to listening to the reading of The Stone Rose - it came free with the radio Times. Even the youngest was rapt in the car and David Tennant was great at separating the various characters; it must be difficult to switch between the different voices.
Reading Joy Division Stuff in the Guardian, and Regeneration by Pat Barker.