Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fly Away Stanley - Be Free

Hello there Nigel - I'm Back!

Listening to Duet by Steve Reich played by the Smith Quartet

I've been away. They were very nice to me while I was there but I think I'm ready to come back now. Does that sound a little over-dramatic?

Now the big question in my mind at the moment is whether the kaiser Chiefs are being ironic with their song Everything is Average Nowadays. I'm not sure that this actually warrants any deep analysis but my recent blogging hiatus has left me time to think about whether this assertion is indeed correct. What with this and Paxman J.'s eloquent rant about the scruffiness of this country I am beginning to get rather despondent about how much of this is actually down simply to "most people" or even just "some people". It seems that we are turning into a nation of at best selfish chancers and at worst unemotional psychopaths. How about urging a potential suicide to jump? If even one person does it then we have failed. I have a problem at the moment which is a continuous worrying about everything - the whole future laid out in front of me is an assault course of possible issues and drags on what should be a happy life but it seems that there are people out there who would sleep happily after downing ten pints and mowing down an entire family. We champion personal freedom without any mention of personal responsibility.

Everything is indeed average, though I seem to have managed to spell psychopaths correctly without having to look it up. I love the smell of unleaded in the morning.

1 comment:

Nigel said...

Nigel being me? I do read you avidly. You're an inspiration.

Control - April 2019

‘It had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive all along your nerves.’ I. The Dispos...