Friday, November 24, 2006

A Dream Diary

This is not about you! It's about me!

I had an interesting variation on my standard exam dream last night. I used to have these dreams a lot but they have been absent for at least five years. Last night’s dream didn’t really involve worries about exams at all until I thought back over what it might mean.

In it I was drawn to what promised to be a wonderful and lucrative new way of working which involved some sort of communal living experiment though how we would make money from it was obscured at the very start, only being revealed through obscure and strangely worded brochures and at the end of a long and boring video tape. We all had to move in to some glass-fronted building vaguely situated in London. At one point we were taken to a large room with many long, high tables lining the walls, with lots of magazines, books and comic books, which might have been chained up. Various people were sitting round reading these books and I speculated out loud that we were being set to read these books in order to look for patterns which might indicate some hidden information much like Robert Redford’s character in Three Days of the Condor. I think this was denied in a half-hearted way by some of the people there.

I eventually found out that we were paid only when we aped the actions of celebrities, acting out various tabloid-reported incidents though I never found out the rate of payment as this was only given at the end of the introductory video. I also discovered that low-level income could be gained by delivering Pizzas. This is all beginning to sound like some obscure and sad computer game. In my mind I was trying to work out whether I should give up college in order to join this weird collective. What’s all that about then?

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