Friday, November 22, 2002

Reading 2 - Mary Magdalen 4

This title means nothing at all; it is just that I asked Martin here for a random title and all he could come up with is "Why the hell am I here?". In just the time it took me to type that, I have thought about the use of the word 'hell' in this blog and how it would render my site unacceptable in some circles and yet the internet is rife with bad language, porn sites and all the other things which are considered the dark-side. Many, Many blogs are punctuated, adjectived, adverbed etc with the active proccreational word just for the sake of using it. I can be as angry as I like on this blog and not use it but some of the people using it are not angry at all. It just seems to be a habit. Because it it so forceful to say, it seems to have got away with not being considered a cliche. This article - Expletive Deleted (Warning - naughty words) at the Guardian is a useful point of reference and for a funny story (Warning again) read this letter in reply to that article though it makes a serious point as well. If you are aware of my general stance on such things then you will have guessed that I am not totally against the use of the word, rather I am against its use as a constant solution to all forms of adjectival, adverbal etc aphasia which seems to afflict everyone today. Well! Not everyone heh?

No complaints about 'Adverbed', 'Adjectived' please. I like them. Where would we be if the language didn't change? We wouldn't have such wonderful words as 'leveraged' .

Remember Rob Newman? I always liked him even in the depths of the childish humour that was The Mary Whitehouse Experience. He is a deep thinker as proved by this review of his latest stand-up. His first Novel, Dependence Day was quite good as well though I seem to remember he wrote a second which was so dark and dire as to not be available from Amazon which makes me think it was by someone else. Naomi Klein would be proud and she has the bottle as well I am told. Klein .... Bottle ... Get it? Go here then. I have also found Toroidal games. I can't even get the hang of regular chess so I don't think I will be trying them out.

Another bitty day. Bye.

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